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The Evolution of Stretching: A Guide for the Over 40 Workout Enthusiast

Remember the 80s and 90s?


If you were a kid in the 80s or 90s, you might recall those sports warm-ups with stretches like “cherry pickers” or holding a position and counting out loud with the team for 20 seconds. These types of stretches were often taught by coaches who had minimal knowledge about stretching, warming up, and cooling down. We were lucky if they knew anything beyond the basic rules of the sport they were coaching! Fortunately, stretching has come a long way since those days, thanks to scientific advancements.


The Science of Stretching


As a Stretching and Flexibility Coach with extensive experience since 2008, I’m here to share the latest science on the best types of stretches for warming up, cooling down, and recovering. The findings might surprise you—they certainly surprised me!


The Physics of Stretching


The laws of physics tell us that a body in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an external force, and a body at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an external force. We can use these principles to understand the types of stretching needed before and after physical activity. Stretching is not just about lengthening a muscle; it involves preparing the nervous system for action, reducing activity, or aiding recovery.


Warming Up: Dynamic Stretching


Before engaging in sports or exercise, it's crucial to upregulate your nervous system. The brain sends signals to the muscles, preparing them for contraction and elevating the heart rate. The best way to do this is through dynamic stretching, which involves controlled motion.


Why Not “Cherry Pickers”?


While “cherry pickers” are in motion, they are considered ballistic stretching and are only recommended after dynamic stretching and for well-conditioned athletes. Instead, try dynamic stretches that gradually increase your heart rate without causing injuries from sudden movements.


How to Perform Dynamic Stretches


Use perpetual movement, the contract/hold/contract method, or a controlled tempo for basic stretches. For example, when reaching down to touch your toes, count three seconds down and three seconds back up. Repeat this for three to four reps and one to two sets. This approach prepares your muscles and bones for movement without triggering a fight-or-flight response.


Cooling Down: Static Stretching


Most people are familiar with static stretching, which involves holding a position for a specific duration. While many believe static stretching is essential before and after workouts, it's more beneficial post-workout and during recovery sessions. Static stretching helps down regulate the nervous system and lower your heart rate. Pairing static stretching with slow, controlled breaths can enhance mindfulness and body awareness.


How to Perform Static Stretches


Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds, completing one or two reps for one set. Focus on the muscles used during your workout to reduce soreness and inflammation. On off days, spend 5-10 minutes static stretching muscles worked the previous day or those tight from prolonged sitting. This can improve blood flow, increase your range of motion for the next workout, and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).


Benefits for Older Adults and Beginners


Static stretching is particularly beneficial for older adults and beginners who may not yet be comfortable with dynamic stretching. Any type of movement can motivate these groups to exercise more frequently andat higher intensities. Even a short stretching session can elevate a deconditioned person's heart rate.


Personalized Stretching Plans


If you’re over 40, working out 3-4 days a week, and spending long hours at a desk, a customized stretching plan can make a significant difference in your performance and recovery. Email me to set up a Zoom assessment. Together, we’ll ensure you have the right stretches for your goals and activities.

Incorporating the right stretches into your routine can help you stay active, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve overall well-being. Embrace the advancements in stretching science and keep your body moving and healthy!

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