Be Ageless
Stretch, Strengthen, Live, & Thrive
Counteract the challenges of aging
- Are you concerned about the possible onset of dementia?
- Have you noticed a lack of balance and are more worried about falling?
- Has a loss in your flexibility and mobility caused a drop in your quality of life?
If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, you’re not alone. A family history of dementia could also put you at risk for the disease. Falls are the number one cause of ER visits for people over 65; the related consequences of falls are a top cause of mortality in this population. Reduced range of motion negatively affects everything from golf or tennis, to getting dressed in the morning, to getting in and out of your car.

Does the following scenario describe you or someone close to you?
- A 70-year-old man who worked as a successful executive for 40 years now appears two inches shorter than he used to be. While overall upbeat, he has constant back pain and shuffles more than walks. His confidence in moving around has reduced, and he holds on to things more to steady himself overall. Twice a week, he plays golf with the same buddies; yet his swing is dramatically shorter than just a few years ago, and most of his distance is gone. He leaves his shoes tied because it’s too painful for him to either bend down or bring his foot up to lace and unlace them each day. Sometimes, in mid- conversation he looks at you questioningly and repeats the same sentences again, like he forgot the topic. The doctor says he’s in average health, yet visibly he’s not. His wife and kids wonder if he will make it to 75; if he does, will he need a nursing home or a caregiver?
Here's the good news, I can help you delay and possibly prevent these symptoms of nature with an exercise prescription that has no negative side effects. You may develop an addiction to feeling good, having more energy, and stable mental clarity. The human body is a wonderful machine that if treated properly, can regenerate strength, coordination, balance, and build brain cells through the wonder of neuroplasticity.
- Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.
- Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for aging, injury, and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
- Neuroplasticity makes your brain extremely resilient and is the process by which all permanent learning takes place in your brain, such as playing a musical instrument or mastering a different language. (Demarin, V., Morovic, S., Bene, R.; Periodicum Biologorum, Vol. 116, No 2, 209–211, 2014; Neuroplasticity)
Unfortunately, most doctors are not sharing this information with you because they are either unaware or cannot generate revenue from an exercise prescription. The healthier you are, the less you need a doctor’s assistance. Walking is often the suggested exercise; however, you’re missing out on all the other benefits I mentioned above. When you combine these benefits with elevating your heart rate to at least 60% of its maximum, you’re also harnessing the power of BDNF-1 (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-1), which is the only way you can build brain cells in the hippocampus portion of your brain. No medicine, brain games on the computer, or crossword puzzles can add new cell growth in your brain.
Now that you are aware of how important elevating your heart rate and instituting a variety of exercises to enhance your neuroplasticity is, where and how do you start?
- Because the brain retains a lifelong capacity for plasticity and adaptive reorganization, dimensions of negative reorganization should be at least partially reversible through the use of an appropriately designed training program. (Henry W. Mahncke; Memory enhancement in healthy older adults using a brain plasticity-based training program: A randomized, controlled study)
As a Corrective Exercise Specialist and personal trainer since 2008, I have designed a workout plan specifically following the scientific evidence given to you here. The how, what, and why has been eliminated for you. Personalized prescriptive exercise can be done in the comfort of your own home or at a gym you belong to. Because I know giving you a bunch of videos to follow isn’t going to cause great excitement in your life, the program also includes customized coaching and nutrition guidance from a few membership options. You will stretch, strengthen, live, and thrive to get you back in the game of life better than ever!

NOW is the time for a change with my Active Aging Program!
Who is the Active Aging Program for:
- Someone serious and dedicated to improving their quality of life
- Someone who may already be physically active and still want higher-quality results
- Someone committed to a 12-month plan to ensure safe progressions
Who is the Active Aging Program not for:
- Children, adolescents, and bodybuilders
- Yo-yo dieters and weight loss
- Cardio training only (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming)
A limited number of memberships to this exclusive program are available.
To find out if you qualify, please call or email me. You will receive a response back within 24 hours via the method you chose for contacting. Get started in the next 30 days and receive a FREE gift! Thank you for your request.
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